By Sosan Hua, RD, CDE
- Drink more water (even more than Summer months). Having adequate water is important to help with detoxification, reduce headache and boost immunity
- Try adding lemon or apple cider vinegar 1 tsp to your cup of water for extra benefits
Healthy skin food
- Avocado, hemp seed, flax seed, cucumber, kale, celery, watermelon, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, almonds, pumpkin seeds
- This is a MUST for every home or rooms
No hot shower
- Try luke warm water and if you must use hot water, keep it short (less than 10 minutes)
No harsh chemicals – choose all natural moisturizer, soap and laundry detergent
- Moisturizers – look for shea butter, coconut oil in the ingredients with no to minimal chemicals
- The least amount of chemicals, the better it is.